Need advice!
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Thread: Need advice!

  1. #1

    Need advice!

    As I said in the "welcome" thread, I want to buy my first Cruze. I'm from TN and looking for a trusted cruze dealer. Do any of you guys heard of Bill Gatton Chevrolet? Son found him online and I'm considering visiting him. Seems hes got some stuff (Cruze included), but I wonder if there are any good opinions about him?

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  3. #2
    If Bill Gatton has his own website, then it should be good. In fact Bill Gatton does have a website, and meets BBB accreditation standards. I'm not sure though if Bill Gatton also deals aftermarket car parts for Chevrolet. He seems to have a name in the car industry, and I know some friends who have bought from him without any complaints.

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