why does the car have?
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Thread: why does the car have?

  1. #1
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    orginally from KY. stationed in WV right now

    why does the car have?

    ok im looking underneath my car. and whe it comes off the cat. it has a muffler, and then it goes on back into another muffler and then out to the rear of the car.

    do you think you could cut one of these mufflers out and just put a straight pipe in there?
    do you think it owuld help with performance?

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  3. #2
    I was thinking of taking off the huge rear muffler to see what happens. If its not too loud I will put on some pipe, but if its loud I will put on a couple of nice chrome twin pipe mufflers.


  4. #3
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    orginally from KY. stationed in WV right now
    I mean it has a cat up front, and cat in the downpipe after the tranny. then a huge muffler in the tunnel, and then a muffle in the rear. how much exhaust do we need. lol let me know if that works good or sound good. post up a sound clip

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  6. #4
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    San Antonio, Texas, United States

    Most likely a resonator up front and a muffler in the back.

    With a turbo vehicle, the less restriction after the turbo the better. And it also takes less exhaust components to make the sound quieter. But, if you don't have the right piping all the way back, it will sound terrible.

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