WANTED: Chevy Cruze for testing Trifecta tune
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Thread: WANTED: Chevy Cruze for testing Trifecta tune

  1. #1

    WANTED: Chevy Cruze for testing Trifecta tune

    The Cruze isn't even available here, yet, and we have a tune ready to go for it! ;-)

    If you have a Chevrolet Cruze with either the 1.8L or 1.4L Turbo engine, we'd like to talk to you about testing our tune on it.

    Especially on the 1.4L turbo, we're expecting great gains with tune optimizations.

    If you have one, send me a PM!

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  3. #2
    If you need a 2.0L turbo diesel, I am willing to test it.

  4. #3
    I have a 2.0L turbo diesel as well! I'm curious about tuning per se as I have never tuned a car before... Would be happy to learn something from you guys!

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  6. #4
    Forum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    orginally from KY. stationed in WV right now
    wish i was closer id bring you my car for a few weeks.

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